Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Goulds!

When I first moved to Raleigh, I had an eight month old, and I was house bound quite a bit... I found an outlet in Stroller Strides, a workout group for women with babies that meets weekday mornings.  Colleen is one of the fabulous instructors of the class, and she made me feel immediately welcome.  We have since become friends, and she is a wonderful mother and one of the nicest people I know!  We had this session with her family in early November, and it couldn't have been a more perfect morning for it~ the blue eyes on her boys are the best...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Boys at play

What am amazing fall I had- full of great family sessions!  This was the first opportunity I had to meet and work with this fun group, and these boys were energetic and lively!  I had a great time chasing them and capturing them playing with each other and their parents.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Baby Winslow

The Sawyer family invited me into their home to capture Winslow in all his newborn sweetness, and it was beautiful!  Big sister Olive is handling the new little brother amazingly well, and Winslow's parents are just smitten with this gorgeous little guy.  He was beyond cooperative- sleeping from the beginning of the session almost straight through until the end.  I was able to meet with Winslow a few weeks later, and he's already grown so much! Congratulations to this lovely family!  

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A brisk fall morning

This fantastic family began planning the fall photo shoot in honor of little Gray's second birthday back in the summer.  We had a few dates on the calendar that sent us curve balls including leaves that wouldn't cooperate and change on time and then daylight savings time causing darkness too early for a shoot!  When we met one weekday morning, the temps, of course, had plummeted!  But Gray and his mom and dad were so much fun- there was coffee behind the scenes and jackets that were stripped for photos.  I adored my time with this family, and the two year old smiles show what a great time we had.